Wednesday, March 12, 2025

5 birds that can’t fly why?

            Birds are the most beautiful creatures in the world. They have colorful plumage and shining eyes. When we think of birds, the first thing in our mind is their flight mechanism. We believe that all birds can fly, but this is not true. Some birds change their adaptation and cannot fly, like ostriches, kiwis, emu, rheas, penguins, and kakapo. Birds can fly with their hollow bones, which they migrate from one place to another for food and habitat.

They are flightless birds because they live environment where they don’t need flight for food, escape from predators, mating, and change places. Birds developed many changes for their survival on the planet. The flightless birds like ostriches developed the strong legs that help them run and evade predators. Many birds live in an environment where flight is not required to escape from predators, they have lost their ability to fly and adapted to running fast, swimming, and hiding.

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The world’s largest bird is “Ostrich”. They can grow 9 feet tall and weigh up to 140 kg. They can’t fly but they can run at very speed up to 45 miles per hour. They are mostly present in Africa. They mostly live in flocks around 12 individuals. They dance to impress the female ostrich. They have a very special stomach to digest the seeds, plants, and small vertebrates. The ostrich’s egg is the largest in the world. They can live up to 45 years in the wild. They defend from predators by using their powerful legs. They kick the predator with so much power that they injure the lion.


The kiwi is the national bird of New Zealand. New Zealand has no native mammals except ‘Bats’ therefore the Kiwi don’t need to escape from ground predators. They live in the burrow. They don’t have a tail and are so small just 25 cm tall. The Kiwi is a native bird of New Zealand. They dig for insects and live in forests.


Penguins are aquatic birds that live in a colony in most icy lands. There are 18 species of penguins and none of them can fly. They are mostly found in Antarctica. They have streamlined bodies for swimming and wings have evolved into flippers. The feathers of penguins are packed so tightly to help in cold weather. The penguin species are monogamous, forming bonds throughout the breeding seasons and sometimes for life. When the penguins are in danger, they perform teamwork. They are carnivores. Penguins are one of the deepest diving birds in the world. Some penguins also live in warm climates like Galapagos penguins.

  • Emperor penguins can dive up to 1800 feet and hold their breath for up to 27 minutes.


This bird is known for its colorful plumage and large size. They are the second heaviest bird in the birds after ostriches. The bird is native to New Guinea and some parts of Australia. There are three species of cassowary birds.

  1. Southern cassowary
  2. Northern cassowary
  3. Dwarf cassowary
Cassowary birds

The claw is 4 inches long which helps defense against any danger. They have a helmet-like structure on their heads made up of keratin protein (the same as human hairs and nails). They live in mostly rainforests, mangroves, and swampy lowlands. Their diet is primarily fruits, but they will also eat fungi, insects, and small vertebrates. Their breeding seasons typically occur in late spring and early summer. The male cassowary makes calls to attract females and displays its beautiful colors. Despite their significance to rainforest ecosystems, the populations of cassowary is declining due to habitat loss, deforestation, and other human activities.


The kakapo is a flightless, nocturnal meaning its primary activity at night, parrot native to New Zealand. The Bird can grow up to 2 feet in length and is the heaviest parrot in the world. The bird is in great danger due to habitat loss and humans wanting stuffed ones. It is also called an owl parrot due to its disc-like feathers around its eyes. Kakapos spend most of their time alone, only coming together during breeding seasons. It is the most endangered bird in the world, with around 200 individuals remaining.

Kakapo birds

All the flightless birds are at the corner of extinction, threatened or vulnerable. They face many predators on the ground and their nests are destroyed by many predators. We must provide a habitat for them and protect them from predators. Many flightless like ‘Dodo’ are extinct now because when humans arrived, they could not escape from new threats and became extinct.


Why do some birds lose the ability to fly?

The birds lose the ability when the environment does not require it such as some islands that have few predators. So they change traits over time.

Are flightless birds endangered?

Yes. Many flightless birds face threats due to habitat loss, deforestation, hunting, and other human activities. Many conservation efforts are working to protect these birds.

Which flightless bird is the largest?

Ostrich is the largest bird on the earth standing up to 9 feet tall and weighing 300 pounds. 

Muhammad LuQman Ashraf
Being Ghazali is a Biology, Nature, birds, and all about planets blog covering important CSS news and zoology-related posts. We plan to cover all biology topics and the latest information about zoology. Founded by "Muhammad LuQman Ashraf" with the Grace Of "Allah Almighty". We aim to discover new things, in the future and write all about Wildlife Sanctuary and National Parks in the world.

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