How to protect wildlife? 23 simple Ways to save wildlife
On earth, the most dangerous species is humans. The wildlife is in danger because of human activities. We must treat animals with care, peace, mercy, love, and dignity. The behavior we treat with animals can decide our fate in the Hereafter. In Islam, the Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ï·º said that,

There are many ways to protect wildlife. To protect wildlife, we should all know the significance of wildlife and their impact on human lives.
- Protecting the natural habitat of animals.
- By making National Parks
- By making Wildlife Sanctuaries
- By making Game reserved areas
- Restore native forests
- Holding different seminars at all district and university level
- Educate the rural and urban citizen
- Making different roads for wildlife animals
- Feed them properly
- Making zoos
- Wildlife subject must be taught to every student of a university of any degree
- Avoid hunting for food, meat, and other purposes.
- By making laws for the protection of wildlife animals
- Arranging different animals friendly tours of the university
- Protect the endangered animals in a safe place
- Learn more about the importance of animals and natural forests
- Planting more trees and stay away from nests
- Donate time and money to protect the wildlife animals
- Donate money to the zoos and other government projects
- Watch wildlife films and documentaries.
- Teach your children about wildlife
- Read, learn and research about wildlife and other conservation areas
- Respect the other wildlife officers and zoologists.
There are also many other ways to protect wildlife animals and other organisms. The main is to protect an animal’s natural habitat because this is the home of animals as we all (humans) live in our respective homes.
Enhance Knowledge: What can we do to protect wildlife? A comprehensive guide
Every country builds national parks, game reserves, sanctuaries, and forests for wildlife species and manages them according to their behavior. In Pakistan, there are many national parks like,
- Ayubia National Park
- Deosai National Park
- Hingol National Park
- Margalla Hills National Park
- Kirthar National Park
- Chitral Gol National Park
- Hazar Ghanji National Park
- Khunjerab National Park
There are many more national parks, some bigger and some small. All have a variety of species in it. They consist of many beautiful birds, animals, and medicinal plants. We have to protect it and make it better for the next generation. Many animals are now endangered and some are extinct in this world. Some animals are at the last point of extinction. In Pakistan, the number of populations of animals like Houbara Bustard, Marco Polo sheep, Himalayan Brown Bear, Asiatic Cheetah, Indus Dolphin, Markhor, and Snow leopard is decreasing with time due to human activities like, noise pollution, oil spoilage in the oceans, dirty water of factories, smog, and deforestation.
Enhance knowledge: All about the human body (Biology)
Role of education:
Now, we have to protect the natural environment, not only for the next generation but for us. We must educate the youth. The role of education in public awareness programs is very important. There should be a subject on wildlife management in schools and colleges. Well-educated and trained specialists on environmental, forest issues and zoologists should participate in public training programs with people and solve their queries to make them more responsible towards our environment.
All students especially young generations must know, how many national parks and wildlife conservation areas are in Pakistan and the world.
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