National parks are the homes of many animals, plants, birds, and insects. They protect the natural environment and biodiversity. The goal of these parks is not only to enjoy but also to preserve wildlife species and their natural habitat. To protect or save this natural habitat of organisms, there must be some restrictions to balance the ecosystem; otherwise, humans disturb the whole environment for our enjoyment.
Hunting and trappings:
Hunting is the chasing and killing of animals or birds for food, sport, and enjoyment. Hunting and trappings are banned in national parks to protect wildlife populations and keep these areas safe havens for wildlife species.
Excessive noise and music:
Loud noises can scare away wildlife, interfere with mating calls, and disturb the natural behavior of animals, therefore the national parks are made outside of the city. Now a days, our youth are not aware of these rules and the behavior of animals, therefore they hear the songs in a loud voice. Maintaining a peaceful environment helps keep the park’s ecosystem balanced.
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For example; elk may avoid areas with high human activity due to noise.
No one cannot dig the soil of national parks to get minerals, stones, and metals. If there are any natural resources under the earth, they should be allowed with the written permission of the appropriate officer.

Cutting down of trees or deforestation:
Trees are the primary need to maintain our environment. Trees are the habitat of many birds and animals. Many birds make nests on trees. We take oxygen from trees. The trees hold soil and prevent erosion. We should plant more trees and make the environment neat and clean. In Islam, planting a tree is an ongoing charity.
Many people, children, and even students damage trees by cutting their branches, resulting in harm to the plants and aesthetic beauty of the parks.
Disturbing geological formation:
Many rocks take thousands of years to form. Tampering with them can destroy their natural heritage. We should observe these rocks without touching them. These are the natural beauty and endless heritage of our country.
Dangers of feeding wildlife species:
Feeding wildlife leads to serious health issues in animals as well as in birds and causes them to become dependent on humans. We should avoid feeding the birds because they can find their food on the earth. When we visit the national parks, avoid the human food to feed the wildlife species. Our food is not suitable for wild animals and birds,
For example, feeding bread to ducks can lead to malnutrition and deformities like “angel wings” in waterfowl. The waterfowl foods like bread and popcorn.

Plastic pollution in national parks:
Plastic waste has become a global issue now a days. Plastic resists natural degradation because it cannot decompose like organic material. They break down into smaller particles, known as microplastics, which affect badly to birds and even humans. Many sea birds are declining due to plastic pollution in the oceans. We must use those items that are recycled quickly or decomposed. There should be banning on plastic bags and bottles.
Campfires outside designated areas:
Wildfires are a dangerous threat to many national parks. When the fires are burning, it is impossible to stop them leading to loss of lands, nests, buildings, and many lives of animals and birds. Some fires are natural but some are caused by human negligence. Some birds also cause fire such as black kites, Whistling kites, and Brown Falcon.
For example, in 2013, the Rim fire in Yosemite National Park burned nearly 260,000 acres and was started by an illegal campfire set by a hunter that got out of control and caused the loss of many lives.
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Using drones without permission:
Flying drones in some national parks are prohibited. Some are allowed with written permissions. Drones can cause disturbance to wildlife birds and animals because the birds see it like a predators. Many people use drones to see the nests of birds, whether inside eggs or chicks. They disturb the natural behavior of birds. Always use drones very far from animals and birds. Fines are also implemented in many national parks for flying drones without the permission of an officer.
Fishing is not allowed in national parks, all the species are protected and preserved from extinction, so it can affect the populations of water creatures.
Trash behind:
When we visit any parks or any historical, or cultural places in the country or abroad we always leave trash behind. This causes pollution in the environment and also reflects the poor mentality of a nation’s commitment to environmental responsibility. We must use a dustbin and clean the environment for the next generation.

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Respecting rules in national parks, or any travel areas is essential for preserving these beautiful and rare species for future generations to study them. These regulations are made to maintain an environment neat and clean not only for animals but also for us (humans).