Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Class 10 biology chapter 12 Solved MCQs “Coordination and Control”

Class 10th Biology MCQs & Questions
Chapter: 12
“Coordination and Control”

  1. How many types of coordination in organisms?
    a) One
    b) Two
    c) Three
    d) Four
    Sol: (b) Two
  2. Any change in the environment, which can provoke a response in organisms is called
    a) Receptors
    b) Coordinators
    c) Effectors
    d) Stimuli
    Sol: (d) Stimuli
  3. The examples of stimuli is/are
    a) Heat
    b) Sound waves
    c) Cold
    d) All of these
    Sol: (d) All of these
  4. Chemicals in the air are detected by
    a) Ears
    b) Nose
    c) Eyes
    d) None of these
    Sol: (b) Nose
  5. The tissue or cells that are used to detect particular types of stimuli are called
    a) Receptors
    b) Stimuli
    c) Effectors
    d) All of these
    Sol: (a) Receptors
  6. The unit of nervous system is called
    a) Neuron
    b) Nerve cell
    c) Both (a) and (b)
    d) None of these
    Sol: (c) Both (a) and (b)
  7. Processes that carry nerve impulses toward the cell body
    a) Axon
    b) Dendrite
    c) Cell body
    d) Nodes of Ranvier
    Sol: (b) Dendrite
  8. Processes that carry nerve impulses away from the cell body
    a) Dendrite
    b) Axons
    c) Interneurons
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (b) Axons
  9. A wave of electrochemical changes that travels along the length of neurons
    a) Sensory neuron
    b) Interneuron
    c) Schwan cells
    d) Nerve impulse
    Sol: (d) Nerve impulse
  10. Non-myelinated points on an axon is called
    a) Nodes of Ranvier
    b) Saltatory impulse
    c) Myelin sheath
    d) All of the above
    Sol: (a) Nodes of Ranvier
  11. In a neuron, impulses “jump” over the areas of myelin going from node to node is called
    a) Saltatory impulse
    b) Jumping impulse
    c) Both (a) and (b)
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (c) Both (a) and (b)
  12. Which neuron has one dendrite and one axon
    a) Motor neuron
    b) Sensory neuron
    c) Interneuron
    d) All of the above
    Sol: (b) Sensory neuron
  13. Motor neurons have many dendrites and __
    a) One axon
    b) Two axons
    c) Many axons
    d) Only five axons
    Sol: (a) One axon
  14. Sensory nerves contain the axons of
    a) Motor neurons
    b) Sensory neurons
    c) Mixed neurons
    d) Both (a) and (b)
    Sol: (b) Sensory neurons
  15. The brain is protected by a bony structure called
    a) Cranium
    b) Vertebrae
    c) Central canal
    d) Occipital
    Sol: (a) Cranium
  16. The vertebral column covers and protects
    a) Spinal cord
    b) Cranium
    c) Brain
    d) Hippocampus
    Sol: (a) Spinal cord
  17. The largest part of the human brain is called
    a) Cerebellum
    b) Cerebrum
    c) Thalamus
    d) Hypothalamus
    Sol: (b) Cerebrum
  18. Hypothalamus is roughly the size of a/an
    a) Apple
    b) Almond
    c) Orange
    d) Ball
    Sol: (b) Almond
  19. Hypothalamus controls the feelings
    a) Pain
    b) Pleasure
    c) Sorrow
    d) All of the above
    Sol: (d) All of the above
  20. The thalamus receives sensory impulses except from
    a) Ear
    b) Nose
    c) Eyes
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (b) Nose
  21. The hippocampus is the structure, deep in the cerebrum, formation of
    a) Emotions
    b) Intelligence
    c) Skeletal muscles
    d) New memories
    Sol: (d) New memories
  22. The anterior parts of the cerebral hemispheres are called
    a) Bulbs
    b) Olfactory bulbs
    c) Cerebral cortex
    d) Grey matter
    Sol: (b) Olfactory bulbs
  23. Which part control the thinking , intelligence, and emotions
    a) Cerebrum
    b) Cerebellum
    c) Thalamus
    d) Hypothalamus
    Sol: (a) Cerebrum
  24. Which lobe control the visual information
    a) Parietal
    b) Frontal
    c) Temporal
    d) Occipital
    Sol: (d) Occipital
  25. Which lobe is concerned with the hearing and smell
    a) Temporal
    b) Parietal
    c) Occipital
    d) Frontal
    Sol: (a) Temporal
  26. Which type of matter consists of cell bodies and non-myelinated axons
    a) Grey matter
    b) White matter
    c) Both (a) and (b)
    d) Plasma
    Sol: (a) Grey matter
  27. Which part of the brain controls the auditory reflexes and posture?
    a) Forebrain
    b) Midbrain
    c) Hindbrain
    d) All of the above
    Sol: (b) Midbrain
  28. The medulla oblongata, cerebellum, and pons are the parts of
    a) Forebrain
    b) Midbrain
    c) Hindbrain
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (c) Hindbrain
Information about human body
  1. Which part of hind brain control vomiting, coughing, and sneezing
    a) Cerebrum
    b) Cerebellum
    c) Pons
    d) Medulla oblongata
    Sol: (d) Medulla oblongata
  2. The outer region of spinal cord is made of
    a) Pons
    b) Cerebellum
    c) Grey matter
    d) White matter
    Sol: (d) White matter
  3. What is the length of spinal cord
    a) 40 cm
    b) 50 cm
    c) 40 m
    d) 50 mm
    Sol: (a) 40 cm
  4. Clusters of cell bodies in the central nervous system
    a) Ganglia
    b) Nuclei
    c) Brain stem
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (b) Nuclei
  5. Cluster of cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system (PNS)
    a) Ganglia
    b) Nuclei
    c) Motor neuron
    d) Mixed neuron
    Sol: (a) Ganglia
  6. How many pairs of cranial nerves have human?
    a) 11 pairs
    b) 12 pairs
    c) 20 pairs
    d) 31 pairs
    Sol: (b) 12 pairs
  7. How many pairs of spinal nerves have human?
    a) 34 pairs
    b) 21 pairs
    c) 12 pairs
    d) 31 pairs
    Sol: (d) 31 pairs
  8. The pathway conducting impulses from receptor to CNS
    a) Sensory pathway
    b) Motor pathway
    c) None of the above
    d) Both (a) and (b)
    Sol: (a) Sensory pathway
  9. Which type of nervous system deals with emergency
    a) Autonomic nervous system
    b) Sympathetic nervous system
    c) Parasympathetic nervous system
    d) Central nervous system
    Sol: (b) Sympathetic nervous system
  10. The responses which are not under conscious control are called
    a) Voluntary action
    b) Involuntary action
    c) Reflex action
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (b) Involuntary action
  11. An involuntary or rapid response is produced especially when touching a hot object
    a) Involuntary action
    b) Voluntary action
    c) Reflex action
    d) Reflex arc
    Sol: (c) Reflex action
  12. The pathway followed by the nerve impulses for producing a reflex action is called
    a) Reflex mechanism
    b) Reflex arc
    c) Neuron
    d) Sensory neuron
    Sol: (b) Reflex arc
  13. Which part of eye gives most of the white color
    a) Cornea
    b) Iris
    c) Pupil
    d) Sclera
    Sol: (d) Sclera
  14. Which part of the eye bends light and helps in focus
    a) Cornea
    b) Sclera
    c) Iris
    d) Pupil
    Sol: (a) Cornea
  15. Behind the cornea dark muscular structure is
    a) Choroid
    b) Iris
    c) Sclera
    d) Pupil
    Sol: (b) Iris
  16. Which part of the eye controls the size of the pupil
    a) Iris
    b) Fovea
    c) Rhodopsin
    d) Iodopdin
    Sol: (a) Iris
  17. Photosensitive cells in the eye called rods and cons present in
    a) Fovea
    b) Retina
    c) Iris
    d) Pupil
    Sol: (b) Retina
  18. Rods are sensitive to which light
    a) Dim
    b) Bright
    c) Both (a) and (b)
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (a) Dim
  19. Cons are sensitive to which light
    a) Dim
    b) Bright
    c) Blindspot
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (b) Bright light
  20. A point on the retina where the optic nerve enters the retina and there are no rods and cons at that point is called
    a) Fovea
    b) Rhodopsin
    c) Blindspot
    d) Iris
    Sol: (c) Blind spot
  21. Which type of fluid maintains the shape of an eye
    a) Aqueous humour
    b) Vitreous humour
    c) Iodopsin
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (b) Vitreous humour
  22. Which type of vitamin deficiency causes night blindness
    a) Vitamin A
    b) Vitamin B
    c) Vitamin K
    d) Vitamin E
    Sol: (a) Vitamin A
  23. A person not able to see a distant object clearly called
    a) Myopia
    b) Short sight
    c) Hypermetropia
    d) Both (a) and (b)
    Sol: (d) Both (a) and (b)
  24. A person is not able to see a near object clearly
    a) Long sight
    b) Hypermetropia
    c) Both (a) and (b)
    d) Myopia
    Sol: (c) Both (a) and (b)
  25. Which lens is used for hypermetropia
    a) Concave lens
    b) Convex lens
    c) Converging lens
    d) Contact lens
    Sol: (b) Convex lens
  26. Study of diseases and surgery of eyes are called
    a) Zoology
    b) Ornithology
    c) Cytology
    d) Ophthalmology
    Sol: (d) Ophthalmology
  27. How many diseases of the eyes were described by Ali ibn Isa?
    a) 130
    b) 143
    c) 133
    d) 110
    Sol: (a) 130
  28. Ali ibn Isa described drugs __ to treat diseases.
    a) 133
    b) 143
    c) 123
    d) 153
    Sol: (b) 143
  29. Who is the father of optics?
    a) Ali ibn Isa
    b) Jabir bin Hayyan
    c) Alexander Fleming
    d) Ibn-al-Haytham
    Sol: (d) Ibn-al-Haytham
  30. The study of the behavior of light is called
    a) Ophthalmology
    b) Hematology
    c) Entomology
    d) Optics
    Sol: (d) Optics
  31. Who described the principles of pinhole camera
    a) Ibn-al-Haytham
    b) Robert Brown
    c) Bu Ali Sina
    d) Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
    Sol: (a) Ibn-al-Haytham
  32. Auditory canal ends in
    a) Pinna
    b) Eardrum
    c) Cochlea
    d) Incus
    Sol: (b) Eardrum
  33. In the auditory canal’s wall special glands produce
    a) Blood
    b) Wax
    c) Mucous
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (b) Wax
  34. The smallest bone in the human body is
    a) Incus
    b) Malleus
    c) Cochlea
    d) Stapes
    Sol: (d) Stapes
  35. How many ducts are in the cochlea
    a) One
    b) Two
    c) Three
    d) Four
    Sol: (c) Three
  36. To which part of the ear does the tympanum belong?
    a) External ear
    b) Middle ear
    c) Inner ear
    d) Both (a) and (b)
    Sol: (a) External ear
  37. The type of gland that has ducts for releasing secretions is called
    a) Exocrine gland
    b) Endocrine gland
    c) Both (a) and (b)
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (a) Exocrine gland
  38. The shaped gland is
    a) Thyroid gland
    b) Pituitary gland
    c) Hypophysis
    d) Both (b) and (c)
    Sol: (d) Both (b) and (c)
  39. Growth hormone is secreted by
    a) Pituitary gland
    b) Anterior pituitary gland
    c) Posterior pituitary gland
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (b) Anterior pituitary gland
  40. A deficiency of growth hormone is called
    a) Gigantism
    b) Dwarfism
    c) Acromegaly
    d) All of the above
    Sol: (b) Dwarfism
  41. If height increases by growth hormone is called
    a) Gigantism
    b) Dwarfism
    c) Calcitonin
    d) Thyroxin
    Sol: (a) Gigantism
  42. Acromegaly includes
    a) Large hands
    b) Large feet
    c) Jawbones
    d) All of the above
    Sol: (d) All of the above
  43. Which hormone is responsible for childbirth
    a) Oxytocin
    b) Adrenaline
    c) Calcitonin
    d) Somatotrophin
    Sol: (a) Oxytocin
  44. Which hormone is responsible for milk production
    a) Oxytocin
    b) Prolactin
    c) Insulin
    d) Testosterone
    Sol: (b) Prolactin
  45. Which hormone is responsible for sleep
    a) Melatonin
    b) Progesterone
    c) Estrogen
    d) Oxytocin
    Sol: (a) Melatonin
  46. Which hormone is responsible for decreased level of calcium ions in the blood
    a) Calcitonin
    b) Adrenaline
    c) Insulin
    d) Estrogen
    Sol: (a) Calcitonin
  47. How many adrenal glands are situated above kidney?
    a) One
    b) Two
    c) Three
    d) Four
    Sol: (b) Two
  48. Which hormone is called emergency hormone
    a) Parathormone
    b) Oxytocin
    c) Estrogen
    d) Adrenaline
    Sol: (d) Adrenaline
  49. Which hormone is responsible for balance of glucose
    a) Insulin
    b) Glucagon
    c) Both (a) and (b)
    d) None of the above
    Sol: (c) Both (a) and (b)
  50. The main male sex hormone is
    a) Testosterone
    b) Oxytocin
    c) Adrenalin
    d) Insulin
    Sol: (a) Testosterone
  51. The complete loss of functions by one or more muscles is called
    a) Epilepsy
    b) Paralysis
    c) Corona
    d) Dengue
    Sol: (b) Paralysis
  52. Insulin and glucagon is produced in the
    a) Liver
    b) Pancreas
    c) Hypothalamus
    d) Posterior pituitary
    Sol: (b) Pancreas
  53. Passengers that carry nerve impulses away from the cell body are called
    a) Axons
    b) Synapses
    c) Dendrites
    d) Myelin sheath
    Sol: (a) Axons

Important definitions in this chapter:
Define neurons
Define hippocampus
Define olfactory bulbs
Define brain stem
Define reflex arc
Define blind spot
Define hormone
Define acromegaly
Define dwarfism
Define gigantism
Define vasopressin

Read More:
What can we do to protect wildlife?
9th Biology
Chapter I: Introduction to Biology
Chapter 2: Solving a biological problem
Chapter 3: Bio-diversity

Muhammad LuQman Ashraf
Being Ghazali is a Biology, Nature, birds, and all about planets blog covering important CSS news and zoology-related posts. We plan to cover all biology topics and the latest information about zoology. Founded by "Muhammad LuQman Ashraf" with the Grace Of "Allah Almighty". We aim to discover new things, in the future and write all about Wildlife Sanctuary and National Parks in the world.

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