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9th Class Biology MCQs Chapter 4th “Cells and Tissues”

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9th class Biology MCQs & Important Questions:
Chapter No: 4
“Cells and Tissues”

1. The use of the microscope is known as…..
a) Magnification
b) Resolution
c) Microscopy
d) All of the above
Sol: (c) Microscopy.
2. The first compound microscope was developed by …….
a) Aristotle
b) Zacharias Janssen
c) Robert Hook
d) Louis Pasteur
Sol: (b) Zacharias Janssen.
3. The increase in the apparent size of an object is called……..
a) Magnification
b) Resolution
c) Resolving power
d) Micrograph
Sol: (a) Magnification.
4. The measure of the clarity of an image is called………..
a) Resolution
b) Resolving power
c) Magnification
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (d) Both (a) and (b).

5. The magnification range of compound microscope is…..
a) 3X to 6X
b) 3X to 9X
c) 1500X
d) 10X to 12X
Sol: (b) 3X to 9X.
6. What is the resolution of the human eye?
a) 0.05mm
b) 0.1mm
c) 0.01mm
d) 0.001mm
Sol: (b) 0.1mm
7. A photograph taken through a microscope is called…..
a) Photomicrograph
b) Micrograph
c) Chemo graph
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (b) Micrograph.
8. What is the magnification of a light microscope?
a) 1600X
b) 2000X
c) 1500X
d) 2500X
Sol: (c) 1500X
9. The resolving power of a light microscope is………..
a) 0.3μm
b) 0.2μm
c) 0.1μm
d) 0.4μm
Sol: (b) 0.2μm
10. The resolution of an electron microscope is……..
a) 0.3nm
b) 0.2nm
c) 0.4nm
d) 0.1nm
Sol: (b) 0.2nm
11. The magnification of the electron microscope is
a) 150,000X
b) 100,000X
c) 250,000X
d) 200,000X
Sol: (c) 250,000X.
12. Which type of microscope is best to study the movement of amoeba?
a) Light microscope
b) Compound microscope
c) Electron microscope
d) Transmission electron microscope
Sol: (a) Light microscope
13. Which type of microscope is used to study the changes in the shape of a human white blood cell:
a) Scanning electron microscope
b) Light microscope
c) Transmission electron microscope
d) Compound microscope
Sol: (b) Light microscope
14. Which type of microscope is used to study the surface texture of human hair
a) Light microscope
b) Compound microscope
c) Scanning electron microscope
d) Electron microscope
Sol: (c) scanning electron microscope
15. Which type of microscope is used to study the detailed structure of a mitochondrion in the cell of the human liver?
a) Scanning electron microscope
b) Transmission electron microscope
c) Light microscope
d) Electron microscope
Sol: (b) Transmission electron microscope
16. Cells were first described by a British scientist ……..
a) Robert Brown
b) Robert Hooke
c) Schwann
d) Virchow
Sol: (b) Robert Hooke
17. Who observed the “honeycomb” of tiny empty compartments?
a) Robert brown
b) Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
c) Lamarck
d) Robert Hooke
Sol: (d) Robert Hooke
18. Who discovered the “nucleus” in the cell?
a) Robert Hooke
b) Robert Brown
c) Lamarck
d) Louis Pasteur
Sol: (b) Robert Brown
19. Who proposed that “all living cells arise from pre-existing cells”
a) M.Shleiden
b) T. Schwann
c) R.Virchow
d) Robert Brown
Sol: (c) R. Virchow
20. A German botanist who studied plant tissues and made the first statement of cell theory:
a) Robert Hooke
b) Lamarck
c) Matthias Schleiden
d) Louis Pasteur
Sol: (c) Mathias shleiden
21. The entire chemical reaction taking place in the body is called…..
a) Metabolism
b) Catabolism
c) Anabolism
d) All of the above
Sol: (a) metabolism
22. Cell walls provide ………….to the inner living matter of a cell.
a) Shape
b) Strength
c) Protection
d) All of the above
Sol: (d) All of the above
23. The inner living matter of a cell called……..
a) Primary cell
b) Protoplasm
c) Chitin
d) Peptidoglycan
Sol: (b) Protoplasm
24. In the plant cell walls, the most common chemical in it……
a) Glucose
b) Fructose
c) Cellulose
d) Chitin
Sol: (c) Cellulose.
25. There are pores in the cell wall of adjacent cells, through which their cytoplasm is connected, these pores are called……..
a) Peptidoglycan
b) Plasmodesmata
c) Chitin
d) None of the above
Sol: (b) Plasmodesmata
26. The cell wall of fungi is made up of…….
a) Chitin
b) Peptidoglycan
c) Lignin
d) Cellulose
Sol: (a) Chitin
27. The cell wall of prokaryotes is made up of………..
a) Chitin
b) Lignin
c) Cellulose
d) Peptidoglycan
Sol: (d) Peptidoglycan.
28. Cell membrane is mainly composed of ……….
a) Protein
b) Lipids
c) Carbohydrates
d) All of the above
Sol: (d) All of the above
29. Which of these materials is not a component of the plasma membrane?
a) Lipids
b) Carbohydrates
c) Proteins
d) DNA
Sol: (d) DNA
30. When we talk about only the outer membrane of the cell, we say it as…..
a) Cell membrane
b) Plasma membrane
c) Lipid membrane
d) Inner membrane
Sol: (b) Plasma membrane.
31. The semi-viscous and semi-transparent substance between the plasma membrane and nuclear envelop…….
a) Cytoplasm
b) Cytosol
c) Cytoskeleton
d) Centrioles
Sol: (a) Cytoplasm
32. Breakdown of glucose during cellular respiration called is called…….
a) Golgi complex
b) Glycolysis
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None
Sol: (b) Glycolysis
33. Microtubules are made up of ……..protein.
a) Tubulin
b) Myosin
c) Actin
d) keratin
Sol: (a) Tubulin
34. Microfilaments are made up of ………….protein.
a) Tubulin
b) Keratin
c) Actin
d) Tropomyosin
Sol: (c) Actin.
35. The inner membrane of mitochondria forms many infoldings called…….
a) Stroma
b) Cristae
c) Thylakoids
d) Leucoplast
Sol: (b) Cristae
36. A dark spot is a site where ribosomal RNA is formed and assembled as ribosomes called………..
a) Nucleus
b) Nucleolus
c) Chromatin
d) Nucleoplasm
Sol: (b) Nucleolus.
37. Chromosomes are only visible during ………..
a) Cell replication
b) Cell division
c) Centrioles
d) Lysosomes
Sol: (b) Cell division
38. Which organelles are involved in protein synthesis?
a) Mitochondria
b) Lysosomes
c) Ribosomes
d) Cytoplasm
Sol: (c) Ribosomes
39. Eukaryotic ribosomes are slightly ________than prokaryotic ones.
a) Larger
b) Smaller
c) Equal
d) None of the above
Sol: (a) Larger.
40. Which organelles are involved in energy production?
a) Mitochondria
b) Lysosomes
c) Ribosomes
d) Nucleus
Sol: (a) Mitochondria
41. The powerhouse of cell……..
a) Endoplasmic reticulum
b) Mitochondria
c) Plastids
d) Chloroplast
Sol: (b) Mitochondria
42. Which organelles have their own DNA?
a) Mitochondria
b) Ribosomes
c) Lysosomes
d) Golgi complex
Sol: (a) Mitochondria
43. Nucleus is bounded by a double membrane known as……
a) Nucleoplasm
b) Nuclear envelop
c) Nucleolus
d) Nucleotide
Sol: (b) Nuclear envelop
44. A dark spot where ribosomal RNA is formed……..
a) Ribosomes
b) Nucleolus
c) Chromosomes
d) Chromatin
Sol: (b) Nucleolus
45. Chromosomes are composed of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and……..
a) Proteins
b) Lipids
c) Compounds
d) Vesicles
Sol: (a) Proteins
46. Ribosomes are the sites of ………….synthesis.
a) Lipid
b) DNA
c) Protein
d) All of the above
Sol: (c) Protein

47. How many types of plastids are……..
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Sol: (b) 3
48. The stack of thylakoids is called…………
a) Granum
b) Stroma
c) Leucoplast
d) Chromoplast
Sol: (a) Granum
49. Grana float in the inner fluid of _______
a) Chromoplast
b) Chloroplast
c) Leucoplast
d) All of the above
Sol: (b) Chloroplast
50. Function of chloroplast is……….
a) Photosynthesis
b) DNA formation
c) ATP formation
d) Protein synthesis
Sol: (a) Photosynthesis
51. Chromoplast contains pigments associated with bright colors and help in
a) Pollination
b) Dispersal of fruit
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Store food
Sol: (c) Both (a) and (b).
52. The types of plastid that are colorless are called………
a) Chromoplast
b) Leucoplast
c) Chloroplast
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (b) Leucoplast

53. Leucoplasts are colorless and store………
a) Starch
b) Proteins
c) Lipids
d) All of the above
Sol: (d) All of the above
54. A network of interconnected channels that extends from the cell membrane to the nuclear envelope is called……..
a) Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
b) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
c) Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
d) All of the above
Sol: (a) Endoplasmic reticulum
55. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is involved in ………
a) Lipid metabolism
b) Transfer of materials
c) Detoxification of the harmful chemicals
d) All of the above
Sol: (d) All of the above
56. A set of flattered sacs (cisternae) is found in…..
a) Lysosomes
b) Golgi apparatus
c) Centrioles
d) Vacuoles
Sol: (b) Golgi apparatus
57. Camilo Golgi was awarded the Nobel prize in
a) 1907
b) 1908
c) 1905
d) 1906
Sol: (d) 1906
58. The complex set of cisternae is called…….
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Golgi complex
c) Golgi vesicles
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (d) Both (a) and (b)
59. Camillo Golgi was awarded Nobel Prize for…….
a) Physiology
b) Medicine
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Ecology
Sol: (c) Both (a) and (b)
60. Who discovered “Lysosomes”
a) Camillo Golgi
b) Rene de Duve
c) Alexander Fleming
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (b) Rene de Duve
61. De Duve awarded noble prize in
a) 1974
b) 1976
c) 1975
d) 1972
Sol: (a) 1974
62. Organelles contain strong digestive enzymes are…….
a) Ribosomes
b) Lysosomes
c) Mitochondria
d) Golgi apparatus
Sol: (b) Lysosomes
63. Each centriole is made up of ………..triplets of microtubules.
a) Seven
b) Eight
c) Nine
d) Ten
Sol: (c) Nine
64. Animal cells have two centrioles located near the exterior surface of nucleus collectively called the………..
a) Centromere
b) Centrosome
c) Chromosome
d) Nucleosome
Sol: (b) Centrosome
65. Centrioles are involved in the formation of
a) Spindle fibers
b) Formation of cilia
c) Formation of flagella
d) All of the above
Sol: (d) All of the above
66. Human body is made up of ……….types of cells.
a) 300
b) 200
c) 250
d) 350
Sol: (b) 200
67. The color of red blood cells is red due to the presence of
a) Xylem
b) DNA
c) Haemoglobin
d) Neurons
Sol: (c) Haemoglobin
68. Which types of cells are involved in the contraction and movements of the body?
a) Nerve cells
b) Muscle cells
c) Red blood cells
d) White blood cells
Sol: (b) Muscle cells
69. The type of cells involved to kill foreign agents and defense.
a) Skin cells
b) Red blood cells
c) White blood cells
d) Nerve cells
Sol: (c) White blood cells
70. A cell work as a/an
a) Open system
b) Close system
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
Sol: (a) Open system

71. The smallest cells are bacteria are called……..
a) Mycoplasmas
b) Rod
c) Comma
d) Spiral
Sol: (a) Mycoplasmas
72. The bulkiest cells are
a) Reptile eggs
b) Bird eggs
c) Spider eggs
d) Frog eggs
Sol: (b) Bird eggs
73. The movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to the area of lower concentration is called……….
a) Effusion
b) Diffusion
c) Facilitated diffusion
d) Osmosis
Sol: (b) Diffusion
74. Gas exchange in gills and lungs occurs by a process called……..
a) Osmosis
b) Diffusion
c) Effusion
d) Facilitated diffusion
Sol: (b) Diffusion
75. The rate of facilitated diffusion is…………than simple diffusion.
a) Lower
b) Higher
c) Equal
d) None of the above
Sol: (b) Higher
76. Facilitated diffusion is…………
a) Active transport
b) Passive transport
c) Osmosis
d) All of these
Sol: (b) Passive transport
77. The relative concentration of solutes in the solutions being compared is called……
a) Tonicity
b) Turgor pressure
c) Isotonic solution
d) Plasmolysis
Sol: (a) Tonicity
78. The solution that has relatively more solute is called…..
a) Hypotonic solution
b) Isotonic solution
c) Hypertonic solution
d) None of the above
Sol: (c) Hypertonic solution
79. The solution that has relatively less solute is called…..
a) Hypertonic solution
b) Hypotonic solution
c) Isotonic solution
d) Aqueous solution
Sol: (b) Hypotonic solution
80. The equal concentrations of solutes are called……..
a) Aqueous solution
b) Non-aqueous solution
c) Saturated solution
d) Isotonic solution
Sol: (d) Isotonic solution
81. The outward pressure on the cell wall exerted by internal water is called…..
a) Turgor pressure
b) Plasmolysis
c) Isotonic solution
d) Hypotonic solution
Sol: (a) Turgor pressure
82. The shrinking of cytoplasm is called……….
a) Osmosis
b) Phagocytosis
c) Reverse osmosis
d) Plasmolysis
Sol : (d) Plasmolysis

83. The process in which semi-permeable membranes separate salts from water called
a) Osmosis
b) Reverse osmosis
c) Filtration
d) Pinocytosis
Sol: (b) Reverse osmosis
84. The movement of molecules from an area of lower concentration to the area of higher concentration called…..
a) Passive transport
b) Active transport
c) Osmosis
d) Cellular transport
Sol: (b) Active transport
85. In diffusion and filtration, only small molecules can pass across the membrane, which process would move the molecules faster?
a) Diffusion
b) Effusion
c) Filtration
d) Osmosis
Sol: (c) Filtration
86. The process of cellular ingestion of bulky materials by the infolding of cell membranes called……
a) Endocytosis
b) Exocytosis
c) Phagocytosis
d) Pinocytosis
Sol: (a) Endocytosis
87. The cellular eating process called……
a) Pinocytosis
b) Phagocytosis
c) Cellular drinking
d) All of the above
Sol: (b) Phagocytosis
88. The “pinocytosis” is
a) Cellular eating
b) Cellular drinking
c) Cellular digestion
d) Cellular formation
Sol: (b) Cellular drinking
89. The process in which a cell takes in liquid in the form of droplets called……
a) Phagocytosis
b) Pinocytosis
c) Cellular eating
d) All of the above
Sol: (b) Pinocytosis
90. A group of similar cells specialized for the performance of a common function called….
a) Community
b) Tissue
c) Organ
d) Biosphere
Sol: (b) Tissue
91. The tissue that covers the outside of the body and lines organs and cavities called……
a) Ciliated tissue
b) Epithelial tissue
c) Connective tissue
d) Squamous tissue
Sol :(b) Epithelial tissue
92. A flexible connective tissue that protects your joints and bones and is found around the ends of bones and nose.
a) Cartilage
b) Adipose tissue
c) Connective tissue
d) Muscle tissue
Sol: (a) Cartilage
93. Most abundant tissue in an animal is
a) Muscle tissue
b) Connective tissue
c) Nervous tissue
d) Support tissue
Sol: (b) Connective tissue
94. Which type of muscles produce a heartbeat?
a) Smooth muscle
b) Skeletal muscle
c) Cardiac muscle
d) Simple tissue
Sol: (c) Cardiac muscle
95. Nervous tissue found in
a) Brain
b) Spinal cord
c) Nerves
d) All of these
Sol: (d) All of these
96. Cardiac muscles are present in the walls of
a) Kidney
b) Heart
c) Liver
d) Mouth
Sol: (b) Heart
97. Smooth muscles are present in the walls of
a) Alimentary canal
b) Urinary bladder
c) Blood vessels
d) All of these
Sol: (d) All of these
98. Which muscles are voluntary in action?
a) Smooth muscles
b) Cardiac muscles
c) Striated muscles
d) Skeletal muscles
Sol: (d) Skeletal muscles
99. Which muscles are involuntary in action?
a) Smooth muscle
b) Cardiac muscle
c) Skeletal muscle
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (d) Both (a) and (b)

100. The tissues are composed of cells, which have the ability to divide called….\
a) Simple tissue
b) Compound tissue
c) Meristem tissue
d) Permanent tissue
Sol: (c) Meristem tissue
101. Which type of tissue has no vacuoles?
a) Epidermal tissue
b) Meristematic tissue
c) Permanent tissue
d) Ground tissue
Sol: (b) Meristematic tissue
102. The tissues are located at the tips of roots and shoots.
a) Apical meristem
b) Lateral meristem
c) Cork cambium
d) Cortex
Sol: (a) Apical meristem
103. Epidermal tissue contain
a) Stomata
b) Root hairs
c) Ability to divide
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (d) Both (a) and (b)
104. The tissue that is made up of parenchyma cells
a) Ground tissue
b) Permanent tissue
c) Support tissue
d) Complex tissue
Sol: (a) Ground tissue
105. What are the most abundant cells in plants?
a) Collenchyma cells
b) Parenchyma cells
c) Sclerenchyma cells
d) Xylem
Sol: (b) Parenchyma cells

106. The tissues are found in the midrib of leaves and in the petals of flowers.
a) Sclerenchyma tissue
b) Xylem tissue
c) Collenchyma tissue
d) Compound tissue
Sol; (c) Collenchyma tissue
107. The main chemical component of wood
a) Lignin
b) Cellulose
c) Tracheids
d) Vessel
Sol: (a) Lignin
108. Plant tissue is composed of more than one type of cell called
a) Compound tissue
b) Complex tissue
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Support tissue
Sol: (c) Both (a) and (b)
109. Tracheids are present in
a) Xylem tissue
b) Phloem tissue
c) Ground tissue
d) Simple tissue
Sol: (a) Xylem tissue
110. Companion cells are present in
a) Xylem tissue
b) Phloem tissue
c) Support tissue
d) None of the above
Sol: (b) Phloem tissue

Important definition in the chapter (4)
1. Define magnification and resolving power
2. Define transmission electron microscope
3. Define plasmodesmata
4. Define cell membrane
5. Define cytoplasm
6. Define glycolysis
7. Define chromatin
8. Define ribosomes
9. Define mitochondria
10. Define cristae
11. Define Golgi complex
12. Define centrosome
13. Define facilitated diffusion
14. Define osmosis
15. Define turgor pressure
16. Define plasmolysis
17. Define filtration
18. Define phagocytosis and pinocytosis
19. Define cartilage
20. Define primary growth
21. Define tonicity
22. Define reverse osmosis.
Important questions that are asked in the previous board.
1. Write about electron microscopes and their types?
2. Write the principles of cell theory?
3. Write about peptidoglycan and chitin?
4. Write about the fluid-mosaic model?
5. Difference between microtubules and microfilaments?
6. Write about ribosomes and their functions?
7. What is the function of mitochondria?
8. Explain plastids and their types?
9. Write the structures of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
10. Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
11. Write the function of red blood cells?
12. Define diffusion and effusion
13. What happens when an animal cell takes place in a hypotonic solution?
14. What is the effect of tonicity on animal and plant cells, with diagrams?
15. Write the types of epithelial tissue?
16. Explain nervous tissue?
17. Write the types of support tissue?
18. What is phloem tissue?

(Work hard, be polite)

9th class biology chapter-wise solved MCQs and questions:

Introduction to Biology

Solving a biological problem




Muhammad LuQman Ashraf
Being Ghazali is a Biology, Nature, birds, and all about planets blog covering important CSS news and zoology-related posts. We plan to cover all biology topics and the latest information about zoology. Founded by "Muhammad LuQman Ashraf" with the Grace Of "Allah Almighty". We aim to discover new things, in the future and write all about Wildlife Sanctuary and National Parks in the world.

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