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Class 10th Biology Chapter 18 Solved MCQs “Pharmacology”

10th class biology MCQs and Questions
Chapter -18

1. The study of drug composition, properties, and medical applications is called
a) Pharmacy
b) Pharmacology
c) Medicinal biology
d) Addictive drug
Sol: (b) Pharmacology
2. Any substance when absorbed into the body of living organisms, change normal body function is called
a) Materia Medica
b) Synthetic drug
c) Drug
d) None of the above
Sol: (c) Drug
3. Type of drug in which any chemical substance used in the diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease is called
a) Addictive drug
b) Pharmaceutical drug
c) Medicinal drug
d) Both (b) and (c)
Sol: (d) Both (b) and (c)

Class 10th biology chapter 18 Pharmacology
Class 10th biology chapter 18 Pharmacology

4. The type of drugs that make a person dependent on them are called
a) Addictive drug
b) Medicinal drug
c) Synthetic drug
d) All of the above
Sol: (a) Addictive drug
5. Until 1890, the subject of “Pharmacology” was known as
a) Pharmacy
b) Materia Medica
c) Toxicology
d) All of the above
Sol: (b) Materia Medica
6. Antibiotics are used for the purpose of
a) Treatment of viral infection
b) Immunization against infections
c) Treatment of bacterial infection
d) None of the above
Sol: (c) Treatment of bacterial infection
7. Aspirin is categorized as
a) A drug from animals
b) A drug from plants
c) A drug from minerals
d) A synthetic drug
Sol: (d) A synthetic drug
8. The drugs used to reduce pain are known as
a) Antibiotics
b) Antiseptics
c) Sedative
d) Analgesics
Sol: (d) Analgesics
9. Which of the following drug is obtained from plants
a) Aspirin
b) Opium
c) Cephalosporin
d) Insulin
Sol: (b) Opium
10. Which of these addictive drugs are also used as painkillers?
a) Sedatives
b) Hallucinogens
c) Narcotics
d) All of the above
Sol: (c) Narcotics
11. Sulfonamides affect bacteria in the following way
a) Break the cell wall
b) Stop the synthesis of folic acid
c) Stop the synthesis of new cell wall
d) Inhibit protein synthesis
Sol: (b) Stop the synthesis of folic acid
12. What is true about vaccines?
a) Protect against future viral and bacterial infections
b) Treat the existing bacterial infections only
c) Treat existing infections and protect against future infections
d) Protect against viral infections only
Sol: (a) Protect against the future viral and bacterial infection
13. The type of drug that does not occur naturally but is synthesized in the laboratory is called
a) Pharmaceutical drug
b) Addictive drug
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Synthetic drug
Sol: (d) Synthetic drug
14. “Aspirin” is a type of drug.
a) Addictive drug
b) Drug from minerals
c) Synthetic drug
d) All of the above
Sol: (c) Synthetic drug
15. The cardio-tonic known as digitalis is used to stimulate the
a) Lever
b) Heart
c) Kidney
d) Stomach
Sol: (b) Heart
16. “Digitalis” is made from the leaves of plant
a) Materia Medica
b) Mustard plant
c) Lemongrass
d) Foxglove
Sol: (d) Foxglove
17. The powder from _________ is applied to the wound to stop bleeding and prevent infection.
a) Potassium hydroxide
b) Silver nitrate
c) Nitrous oxide
d) Laughing gas
Sol: (b) Silver nitrate
18. Which are the following reduces the possibility of infections on skin?
a) Antibiotics
b) Antiseptics
c) Disinfectants
d) None of the above
Sol: (b) Antiseptics
19. “Cephalosporin” is included in
a) Analgesics
b) Vaccines
c) Antibiotics
d) Sedatives
Sol: (c) Antibiotics
20. “Diazepam” is included in
a) Vaccines
b) Disinfectants
c) Antiseptics
d) Sedatives
Sol: (d) Sedatives
21. Which medicine reduces the pain?
a) Aspirin
b) Paracetamol
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Sol: (c) Both (a) and (b)
22. The antibiotic “streptomycin” is derived from
a) Fungi
b) Bacteria
c) Viruses
d) Bacteria and fungi
Sol: (b) Bacteria
23. They destroy micro-organisms found on non-living objects
a) Disinfectants
b) Antibiotics
c) Analgesics
d) Sedatives
Sol: (a) Disinfectants
24. Which is used to develop immunity against viral and bacterial infections?
a) Vaccine
b) Sedative
c) Analgesics
d) Antibiotics
Sol: (a) Vaccine
25. Sir Alexander Flemming is a………….biologist?
a) Scottish
b) Swedish
c) English
d) Iranian
Sol: (a) Scottish
26. Who discovered the antibiotic “Penicillin”
a) Joseph Lister
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Francis Crick
d) Alexander Flemming
Sol: (d) Alexander Flemming
27. Penicillin is derived from the
a) Fungi
b) Fungus
c) Bacteria
d) None of the above
Sol: (b) Fungus
28. Penicillin is derived from the fungus
a) Penicillium citrinum
b) Penicillium expansum
c) Penicillium rubens
d) Penicillium notatum
Sol: (d) penicillium notatum
29. In which year Alexander Flemming awarded noble prize?
a) 1935
b) 1945
c) 1975
d) 1965
Sol: (b) 1945
30. Who promoted the idea of sterile surgery for the first time?
a) Alexander Flemming
b) Charles Darwin
c) David Attenborough
d) Joseph Lister
Sol: (d) Joseph Lister
31. Which acid is used to sterilize surgical instruments and to clean wounds?
a) Sulphuric acid
b) Acetic acid
c) Carbolic acid
d) Uric acid
Sol: (c) Carbolic acid
32. Joseph Lister is an English
a) Cardiologist
b) Surgeon
c) Dermatologist
d) Zoologist
Sol: (b) Surgeon
33. Long-term use of ………….drugs induce suicidal thoughts?
a) Narcotics
b) Sedatives
c) Hallucinogens
d) Antiseptics
Sol: (b) Sedatives
34. Which of the following drug is used to relieve pain for patients with chronic disease such as cancer?
a) Narcotics
b) Sedatives
c) Hallucinogens
d) All of the above
Sol: (a) Narcotics
35. Morphine and codeine are derived from plant?
a) Opium poppy
b) Marijuana plant
c) Eucalyptus
d) Common yarrow
Sol: (a) Opium poppy
36. Which one is prescribed as a strong analgesic under the name diamorphine in many western countries?
a) Aspirin
b) Alcohol
c) Nicotine
d) Heroin
Sol: (d) Heroin
37. The drugs that cause change in perception, thoughts, emotions and consciousness called
a) Alcohol
b) Caffeine
c) Narcotics
d) Hallucinogens
Sol: (d) Hallucinogens
38. “Mescaline” comes from a plant?
a) Marijuana
b) Cacti
c) Lemon grass
d) Elachi
Sol: (b) Cacti
39. “Psilocin” comes from a fungus?
a) Mushrooms
b) Aspergillus
c) Oomycetes
d) Bipolaris
Sol: (a) Mushrooms
40. Which drug causing dilation of pupils, constriction of arteries and increase blood pressure
a) Sedatives
b) Narcotics
c) Hallucinogens
d) All of the above
Sol: (c) Hallucinogens
41. Hallucinogen which is smoked is ?
a) Marijuana
b) Alcohol
c) Mescaline
d) Psilocin
Sol: (a) Marijuana
42. How long does small doses of marijuana?
a) 1-2 hours
b) 2-3 hours
c) 3-4 hours
d) Only 6 hours
Sol: (b) 2-3 hours
43. Which of the following drugs affects the production of sperms in men?
a) Morphine
b) Psilocin
c) Mescaline
d) Marijuana
Sol: (d) Marijuana
44. Marijuana affect
a) Increase heart rate
b) Sperm production
c) Short-term memory
d) All of the above
Sol: (d) All of the above
45. The plants from where we obtained hallucinogens?
a) Peyote (Cactus)
b) Cannabis
c) Datura
d) All of the above
Sol: (d) All of the above
46. The antibiotics that kill bacteria is called
a) Bacteriostatic
b) Bactericidal
c) Broad-spectrum
d) Sulfonamides
Sol: (b) Bactericidal
47. The antibiotic that work by stopping bacterial growth is called
a) Bacteriostatic
b) Bactericidal
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
Sol: (a) Bacteriostatic
48. The antibiotics that used for wide range of infections are called
a) Broad-spectrum antibiotics
b) Narrow-spectrum antibiotics
c) Antibodies
d) Antigens
Sol: (a) Broad-spectrum antibiotics
49. The antibiotics that are used for few types of bacteria is called
a) Broad-spectrum antibiotics
b) Narrow-spectrum antibiotics
c) Sedatives
d) All of these
Sol: (b) Narrow-spectrum antibiotics
50. The antibiotics that are used to treat pneumonia, sore throat, tonsillitis and bronchitis etc. are called
a) Tetracyclines
b) Sulpha drugs
c) Cephalosporins
d) Sulfonamides
Sol: (c) Cephalosporins
51. Tetracyclines are used for
a) Respiratory tract, sore throat, bronchitis
b) Intestine, urinary tract, pneumonia
c) Pneumonia, urinary tract, lung cancer
d) Intestine, respiratory tract, urinary tract
Sol: (d) Intestine, respiratory tract, urinary tract
52. Which one should not use during periods of tooth development?
a) Tetracyclines
b) Sulfonamides
c) Cephalosporins
d) All of these
Sol: (a) Tetracyclines
53. The medicines that are used for lowering blood pressure
a) Tetracyclines
b) Cephalosporins
c) Sulfonamides
d) Thiazide diuretics
Sol: (d) Thiazide diuretics
54. Sulfonamides affect bacteria in the following way
a) Break the cell wall
b) Stop the synthesis of folic acid
c) Stop the synthesis of new cell wall
d) Inhibit protein synthesis
Sol: (b) Stop the synthesis the folic acid

  1. Important definitions in this chapter:
     Define pharmacology
     Define clinical pharmacology
     Define addictive drug
     Define analgesics
     Define vaccines
     Define antibodies
     Define antigens
  2. Important questions in this chapter:
    1. Difference between synthetic drug and medicinal drug
    2. What is digitalis?
    3. Difference between antiseptics and disinfectants
    4. Difference sedative and narcotics
    5. Write the work of Sir Alexander Flemming
    6. Write about marijuana or Hashish
    7. Difference between broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum antibiotics
    8. Write the names of plant which we hallucinogens are obtained?
    9. Write the work of Edward Jenner

Class 9th biology:
Introduction to biology
Solving a biological problem
Cells and tissues

class 10th biology chapter 18 pharmacology mcqs


Muhammad LuQman Ashraf
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