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9th Class Biology MCQs Chapter 5 “Cell Cycle”


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Biology 9th class MCQs and Questions
Chapter: 5
“Cell Cycle”

1. Who gave this important biological principle “all cells come from cells”
a) Theoder Shawn
b) Rudolf Virchow
c) Charles Darwin
d) Alexander Fleming
Sol: (b) Rudolf Virchow
2. The series of events from the time a cell is produced until it completes mitosis and produces new cells called
a) Mitosis
b) Meiosis
c) Cell cycle
d) Interphase
Sol: (c) Cell cycle
3. Cell cycle consists of phases
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 2
Sol: (d) 2
4. Which phase is relatively a short period of life cycle
a) S-phase
b) G1-phase
c) Mitotic phase
d) G2-phase
Sol: (c) Mitotic phase
5. The time when a cell’s metabolic activity is very high, as it performs very high functions
a) Mitotic phase
b) Interphase
c) S phase
d) All of the above
Sol; (b) Interphase
6. Interphase is divided into how many phases
a) One
b) Two
c) Four
d) Three
Sol: (d) Three
7. Which phase is the longest phase of the cell cycle
a) G1-phase
b) G2phase
c) S-phase
d) Interphase
Sol: (a) G1-phase
8. During G1-phase
a) Cell increase its supply of proteins
b) Increases the number of organelles
c) Synthesis of various enzymes
d) All of these
Sol: (d) All of these
9. Which phase is the synthesis phase
a) G1-phase
b) S-phase
c) G2-phase
d) Interphase
Sol: (b) S-phase
10. What percentage % of interphase required for the life cycle
a) 60%
b) 90%
c) 40%
d) 50%
Sol: (b) 90%
11. In which phase cell duplicates its chromosomes
a) G-2 phase
b) S-phase
c) G0-phase
d) Interphase
Sol: (b) S-phase
12. How many sister chromatids are in each chromosome
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
Sol: (a) Two
13. The phase of interphase in which the cell prepares proteins that are essential for mitosis.
a) G1-phase
b) G2-phase
c) S-phase
d) G0-phase
Sol: (b) G2-phase
14. In which phase cell stop dividing
a) G1-phase
b) G2-phase
c) G0-phase
d) S-phase
Sol: (c) G0-phase
15. Some cells that remain in G0 for an indefinite period
a) Liver cells
b) Kidney cells
c) Neurons cells
d) Epithelial cells
Sol: (c) Neurons cells
16. Many cells do not enter G0 and continue to divide throughout an organism’s life
a) Epithelial cells
b) Kidney cells
c) Liver cells
d) Neuron cells
Sol: (a) Epithelial cells
17. Who discovered mitosis?
a) Alexander Fleming
b) Walter Flemming
c) Rudolf Virchow
d) Charles Darwin
Sol: (b) Walter flemming
18. When was discovered mitosis?
a) 1980s
b) 1880s
c) 1280s
d) 1887s
Sol: (b) 1880s
19. A cell division in which a cell divides into two daughter cells called
a) Meiosis
b) Mitosis
c) Karyokinesis
d) Cytokinesis
Sol: (b) Mitosis
20. Which cells give rise to gametes
a) Skin cells
b) Germ line cells
c) Red blood cells
d) White blood cells
Sol: (b) Germ line cells
21. Somatic cells are undergoing
a) Meiosis
b) Mitosis
c) Binary fission
d) Regeneration
Sol: (b) Mitosis
22. The division of the nucleus called
a) Karyokinesis
b) Cytokinesis
c) Phragmoplast
d) Cell replacement
Sol: (a) Karyokinesis
23. The division of cytoplasm called
a) Cytokinesis
b) Karyokinesis
c) Regeneration
d) None of the above
Sol: (a) Cytokinesis
24. The genetic material in the nucleus is in a loose thread-like form called
a) Chromosomes
b) Chromatin
c) Kinetochore
d) Spindle fibers
Sol: (b) Chromatin
25. A complex protein structure that is the point where spindle fibers attach called
a) Mitotic spindle
b) Kinetochore
c) Centrosome
d) Centromere
Sol: (b) Kinetochore
26. Complex set of spindle fibers is known as
a) Mitotic spindle
b) Chromatin
c) Cleavage
d) Sister chromatids
Sol: (a) Mitotic spindle
27. In which phase of karyokinesis the surface of the nuclear envelop appears
a) Prophase
b) Prometaphase
c) Anaphase
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (d) Both (a) and (b)
28. Which organelles are not formed spindles during division?
a) Eukaryotes
b) Prokaryotes
c) Bacteria
d) Virus
Sol: (b) Prokaryotes

29. Chromosomes arrange themselves along the equator of the cell forming a
a) Anaphase plate
b) Metaphase plate
c) Phragmoplast
d) Mitotic spindle
Sol: (b) Metaphase plate
30. Which phase is a reversal of the prophase
a) Anaphase
b) Metaphase
c) Prometaphase
d) Telophase
Sol; (d) Telophase
31. In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs by a process known as
a) Binary fission
b) Cell replacement
c) Cleavage
d) Regeneration
Sol: (c) Cleavage
32. Vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus move to the middle of the cell and fuse to form a membrane-bound disc called
a) Cell plate
b) Phragmoplast
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Metaphase plate
Sol: (c) Both (a) and (b)
33. The life span of red blood cells (RBCs)
a) 4 months
b) 120 days
c) 3 months
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (d) Both (a) and (b)
34. New red blood cells (RBCs) are formed by a process
a) Meiosis
b) Mitosis
c) Binary fission
d) Regeneration
Sol: (b) Mitosis
35. The life-span of white blood cells (WBCs)
a) 13 to 20 days
b) 5 to 12 days
c) Almost 12 days
d) Almost 5 days
Sol: (a) 13 to 20 days
36. Which animals can regenerate its body parts?
a) Sea star
b) Lizard
c) Spiders
d) All of these
Sol: (d) All of these
37. Sea star regenerates its lost arm through ……..
a) Meiosis
b) Mitosis
c) Cell replacement
d) All of these
Sol: (b) Mitosis
38. The cells at the surface of hydra undergo mitosis and form a mass called
a) Tumors
b) Bud
c) Synapsis
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (b) Bud
39. Hydra reproduces asexually by a process called
a) Budding
b) Cutting
c) Meiosis
d) Spore formation
Sol: (a) Budding
40. The abnormal growth of cells called
a) Tumors
b) Benign tumor
c) Metastasis
d) All of these
Sol: (a) Tumors

41. Tumors are produced, error in the control of
a) Mitosis
b) Meiosis
c) Binary fission
d) Regeneration
Sol: (a) Mitosis
42. If the tumors remain in their original location then they are called
a) Malignant tumor
b) Benign tumor
c) Metastasis
d) Cancerous
Sol: (b) Benign tumor
43. If the tumors invade other issues, they are called
a) Malignant tumors
b) Cancerous
c) Benign tumors
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (d) Both (a) and (b)
44. What is the phenomena mean “spreading of disease”
a) Metaphase
b) Metastasis
c) Cancerous
d) Regeneration
Sol: (b) Metastasis
45. The word “meiosis” come from a……..word
a) Latin
b) Greek
c) English
d) Persian
Sol:(b) Greek
46. The word meiosis comes from the Greek word “meioun” meaning
a) Refuse
b) Make shelter
c) Make smaller
d) All of these
Sol: (c) Make smaller

47. Germ line cells undergo
a) Mitosis
b) Meiosis
c) Binary fission
d) Regeneration
Sol: (b) Meiosis
48. In meiosis one diploid (2n) eukaryotic cell divides to generate how many haploid (1n) cells
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
Sol: (c) Four
49. In meiosis, the chromosomes are not in the form of pairs
a) Haploid
b) Diploid
c) Triplet
d) None of the above
Sol: (a) haploid
50. Who discovered “meiosis”
a) Walter Flemming
b) Oscar Hertwig
c) De Duve
d) Winhelm Kuhne
Sol: (b) Oscar Hertwig
51. When a German Biologist “Oscar Hertwig” did discover meiosis?
a) 1875
b) 1876
c) 1877
d) 1976
Sol: (b) 1876
52. The longest phase in meiosis
a) Prophase
b) Prophase 1
c) Metaphase
d) Metaphase 1
Sol: (b) Prophase 1
53. The homologous chromosomes line up with each other and form a pair called
a) Synapsis
b) Joints
c) Synapsing point
d) Chiasmata
Sol: (a) Synapsis
54. Each pair of homologous chromosomes is called
a) Bivalent
b) Tetrad
c) Chiasmata
d) Crossing over
Sol: (a) bivalent
55. Each bivalent has …….chromatids
a) Two
b) Three
c) Five
d) Four
Sol: (d) Four
56. The two non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes join each other at a point along their length, these points of attachment called
a) Sister chromatids
b) Chiasmata
c) Centrosome
d) All of these
Sol: (b) chiasmata
57. The non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes exchange their segments and the phenomenon is known as
a) Chiasmata
b) Crossing over
c) Interkinesis
d) Tetrad
Sol: (b) Crossing over
58. In meiosis, after crossing over each pair of homologous chromosomes remain as
a) Tetrad
b) Bivalent
c) Triplet
d) Single
Sol: (b) Bivalent
59. Who discovered crossing over?
a) Frans Alfons janssens
b) T.H. Morgan
c) Oscar Hertwig
d) Charles Darwin
Sol: (a) Frans Alfons Janssens
60. When T.H. Morgan did observe phenomena of crossing over in fruit fly Drosophila Melanogaster?
a) 1811
b) 1912
c) 1911
d) 1913
Sol: (c) 1911
61. After meiosis both haploid daughter cells enter a period of rest known as
a) Interphase II
b) Interkinesis
c) Interphase
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (d) Both (a) and (b)
62. Meiosis does not occur in
a) Prokaryotes
b) Eukaryotes
c) Bacteria
d) Viruses
Sol: (a) Prokaryotes
63. August Weisman gives the importance of meiosis in
a) 1990
b) 1890
c) 1790
d) 1690
Sol: (b) 1890
64. Many haploid fungi and protozoans produce haploid gametes through
a) Mitosis
b) Meiosis
c) Regeneration
d) Binary fission
Sol: (a) Mitosis
65. Gametophyte generations produce haploid gametes through a process by
a) Meiosis
b) Mitosis
c) Spore formation
d) Budding
Sol: (b) Mitosis
66. How many chromosomes do humans have?
a) 46
b) 23 pairs
c) 47
d) Both (a) and (b)
Sol: (d) Both (a) and (b)
67. The programmed cell death is called
a) Apoptosis
b) Necrosis
c) Blebs
d) All of these
Sol: (a) Apoptosis
68. The accidental death of cell and living tissues is called
a) Necrosis
b) Apoptosis
c) Apoptotic bodies
d) Blebs
Sol: (a) Necrosis
69. In apoptosis, cell membrane make irregular buds known as
a) Parthenogenesis
b) Mitotic fibers
c) chiasmata
d) Blebs
Sol: (d) Blebs
70. In apoptosis, blebs break off from the cell and are now called…..
a) Apoptotic bodies
b) Fragmentation
c) Spore formation
d) None of the above
Sol: (a) Apoptotic bodies
71. In humans, how many cells die each day by apoptosis?
a) 50 to 60 billion
b) 50 to 70 million
c) 50 to 70 billion
d) 30 to 50 billion
Sol: (c) 50 to 70 billion
72. Which insect bite caused necrosis in some areas
a) Spider
b) louse
c) Mosquito
d) Wasp
Sol: (a) Spider
73. What are the causes of necrosis
a) Injury
b) Infection
c) Cancer
d) All of these
Sol: (d) All of these

Important definition in chapter (5) “Cell Cycle”
1. Define cell cycle
2. Define mitosis
3. Define karyokinesis and cytokinesis
4. Define kinetochore
5. Define spindle fibers
6. Define metaphase plate
7. Define phragmoplast
8. Define regeneration
9. Define metastasis
10. Define meiosis
11. Define chiasmata
12. Define non-disjunction
13. Define blebs
14. Define apoptotic bodies
15. Define reproduction
16. Define cleavage
17. Define crossing over
18. Define budding
Important questions that are asked in the previous boards of Pakistan.
1. How many phases of the cell cycle?
2. Explain with diagrams all phases of the cell cycle
3. What is the telophase of mitosis?
4. Write the significance of mitosis?
5. What are cell replacement and regeneration?
6. Difference between asexual and sexual reproduction
7. What is the error in mitosis?
8. Difference between in benign and malignant tumors?
9. Explain meiosis I
10. Write the comparison between mitosis and meiosis
11. What is the significance of meiosis?
12. Difference between apoptosis and necrosis
13. Why meiosis does not occur in meiosis
14. What is the Go phase in mitosis?

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